Iris West Possession TG

Iris west was at the Jitters, when all off a sudden he body started to shake. She was now possessed by a metahuman who could possesses bodies. Now time to have some with this he said. he took over her blog, making her say things she would never say.

Then she went to Iris's apartment, then he took out her phone, and posted some dirty photos off her online for the public to see. "This is to much fun he said out loud to him self, as he grabbed his boobs.

"Now that that’s out off the way she said let’s play with these big DD breasts off your's Iris." He took his top off, and bra off. “Then he started to fondle his breasts, I love my new found powers he said.” Thank you Particle Accelerator, he said, as he began to play with her pussy." "This is so awesome you said "Sorry Iris this body is mine now"


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